Sunday, January 30, 2011

Boys Loafer-style slippers

Aren't these little loafers DARLING? I made these for my little guy in sage green and brown. Next I'm trying a second loafer style in blue and brown for my big boy :)

He loves 'em!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some New Things We've Been working on!

Howdy Folks!
Long time no see.... MY fault! You won't stop by to see what we're up to if I never post anything! So here is an update:
Deb and Leslie took a MUCH needed break from all things crafty over the holidays. We had a pretty successful craft show "season" this year, but we needed a rest. Now we both have redirected our crafty-ness to focus on YARN! I picked up a crochet hook to embellish some children's barrettes and some of my cards, and now (excuse the pun) am HOOKED!

Currently I'm addicted to making these super fab "newsboy" hats. I've made them in EVERY shade and LOVE to adorn them with flowers and buttons. Above, My sister and I (and my adorable neice) are wearing our hats @ Longwood Gardens (in gray & dusty rose). Below is a wonderful "eggplant" beauty made for my friend Angela.

Doesn't Mr. Piggy-Bank make the PERFECT model? ;)

Deb keeps busy with her knitting needs AND crochet hook! Between curvy scarves, wonderful cable knitted scarves and prayer shawls, she is a yarn-oholic!! :)
We'll be headed back into our "studios" shortly to replenish things that sold out during the craft shows. I know I have a few thank you cards to make this week, so maybe that will kick things into gear...
All I know is that my hotty hubs is coming home early this evening from the office- so I rented "Despicable Me" for the kiddos (and US). I'm ready for some quality family cuddle time on the couch!
Ta-ta for now!